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Is there a right way to rank baseball's 17 different double plays?

I'm not talking about your bespoke 4-3-7-2s and 5-2-6-5s, or your extremely rare 1-unassisteds. These are 17 routine, repeated sequences you've seen hundreds of times apiece, enough to develop feelings about. I ranked them. Then I lost those rankings and re-ranked them a couple days later. Then I found the original rankings and saw my rankings had changed, and I was embarrassed at the stupid earlier version of myself that got the double plays all wrong.

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Ahnlab safe transaction. I was surprised how natural it felt to put one double play ahead of another, how confidently I knew one type was better than another. They're all worth two outs, but there are within those two-out acts certain qualities that are unambiguously good. Baseball finds a way to make you love it.

1. 1-2-3

There are at least two undeniably elite double-play experiences, and neither of them is the 1-2-3. But the 1-2-3 is the best double play, for the following reasons:

  • It has the most kinetic energy. There are definitely more fluid double plays, but the 1-2-3 is a pinball caught between two walls, the ball ricocheting back and forth (pitcher to batter to pitcher to catcher) before squirting off at a different angle (first base) to burn out its final energy.

  • Baseball is an ensemble cast, but the pitcher is the closest thing the field has to a single hero, and the 1-2-3 is the steepest narrative arc this hero takes: He has worked himself into an almost impossible situation (by definition, bases are loaded with fewer than two outs; usually none); but, with the 1-2-3, he directly gets himself out of it by fielding the ball and throwing it home. Other than a triple play, there aren't really any swings in run expectancy higher than a 1-2-3 double play, and here the pitcher basically says, 'I'll do it myself, and then let's go home.'

  • It's 1-2-3! I don't know how this affects my enjoyment of it, but if for some reason the catcher was position 1 and the pitcher was position 2 and a 1-2-3 GIDP was actually a 2-1-3 GIDP it wouldn't have the same punch.

(By the way, if these numbers all mean nothing to you, here's what each position is numbered for baseball's record-keeping purposes.)

2. Fly out, runner thrown out trying to score after tagging

The first out, on the catch, is generally a given, but we have to wait for the fly ball to reach its summit and then fall back to earth before the second stage begins. The most tense thing you can do to a battle is to pause it, to force everybody to simply stare at each other until they're allowed to attack, and that's what a routine fly ball does to the man on the third.

The expectation on any sacrifice fly attempt is that the runner will be safe. The vast majority of the time, he is, and even a throw that beats the runner requires accuracy, a clean catch at home, a true tag and for the catcher to hold onto the ball through contact. As soon as that runner takes off from third, the viewer has almost conceded that run, so that a a fly out/throw out double play doesn't just prevent a run from scoring but takes one off the mental scoreboard.

3. Strikeout plus caught stealing


There's a great power in naming things, not just what we name it but the very fact that we name it. The strike 'em out, throw 'em out double play is one of only two double plays we named, and by doing so we set it apart from all the double plays that are merely sequences of numbers.

But it's not just the name that makes it awesome. It's named because it's awesome. Just watch:

In two seconds, we get to see both the A storyline and the B storyline reach their final act resolutions, and each storyline is revealed to be (for the offense) tragedy: A batter disgusted at his failure to protect with two strikes, a runner disgusted at his failure to avoid a tag. The best of these are on called third strikes: Along with the mirrored disgust of the batter and baserunner, we get the mirrored punchouts of two umpires.

Bonus joy of the strike 'em out, throw 'em out double play is the knowledge that, in many cases, the runner was trying to steal so his team could stay out of the double play.

4. 4-6-3

We've obviously ranked the 4-6-3 higher than 6-4-3, and here's why:

The little shovel throw the second baseman makes is an underrated delicacy. It doesn't really exist anywhere else in baseball. When we were kids, we'd practice that play all the time, and the shortstop coming across the bag would catch the ball against the outside of his glove, pinning it to the broad backside of the glove to make a faster transition. Nobody in real life does that, but still.

The 4-6-3 is the closest thing baseball has to a crossing pattern, or a screen, or a set play at all. Obviously, there are relays all over baseball, but those are relays: I want to throw it over there, you're on the way to over there, so I'll throw it to you and then you'll keep the line moving. Even a 5-4-3 or a 6-4-3 is basically just moving the ball toward first, with a quick stop on the way. But the 4-6-3 is a strategic anomaly, the only routine play that crosses over itself: The second baseman throws the ball away from its ultimate destination, knowing the shortstop is coming toward him to redirect it. The journey of the baseball from home plate, on pretty much every baseball play, can be drawn as either a straight line or as an upside-down V. But the movement of a 4-6-3 double play draws a 4:

And that's beautiful. Screen record on mac os catalina.

5. 3-2, with the first baseman stepping on the bag before he throws

Because the ball hit to the first baseman always looks like it's going to be a double down the line, making this one of the fastest perception-turnabout plays:


Also because -- well, go to the next one:

6. 3-6, with the first baseman stepping on the bag before he throws

Because double plays where the force has been removed are always extra fun. That moment of recognition you had when you first learned the rule ('see, because now that a base behind the runner has been vacated he isn't 'forced' to go forward anymore') has never totally lost its aha! spark. You see the first baseman step on the bag, and your brain is flooded with now he needs to tag him neurochemicals, not unlike what gets released when you eat Sichuan peppercorns or see your own birthday in a historical document.

The throw home is higher stakes and the tag at home is more chaotic, but the first baseman throwing to second has a higher aesthetic ceiling, especially if he's a left-handed thrower. The first baseman has got that really awkward throwing lane right over the baserunner's left shoulder, and so he probably drops down a little bit, and his left-handedness becomes especially horizontal and visible.

A left-handed first baseman's left-handedness really comes through on this throw -- he looks as distinctly left-handed as Phil Mickelson hitting a flop shot.

There's a high error rate on this play. There's a chance the runner will stop and try to get into a pickle. Just a great play.

7. 5-4-3

The other double play with its own name, though the name probably refers more to the act (throwing the ball around the horn, whether in the context of a double play or not) than to the double play specifically. Still, the 5-4-3 is a good, crisp double play, two right angles, two firm throws from a back-foot pivot. The ball's movement doesn't draw a 4, but it does draw a little night-stand that looks like it could bear a fair amount of weight:

8. 3-2-3

The first baseman throws home and then jogs over to cover his base. We'll lump any other infielder-to-home double plays here (6-2-3, 5-2-3, 4-2-3), but the 3-2-3 has the cleanest lines. It's not the most beautiful, but it ranks high for the stakes and the required hustle; there is almost certainly a close play at first here, and the threat of the runner coming home on the slide clipping the legs out of the catcher's pivot.

9. 3-6-3

The first baseman throws to second, then hustles back to cover his base. It doesn't usually require the same tightrope throw to second that the 3-6 (tag) double play does, because the first baseman probably isn't throwing directly through the running lane. And the lack of the challenging tag at second base takes away the suspense. And, relative to the similar 3-2-3 play, the stakes and rewards and dangers are a little lower. That said, it's a much harder task for the first baseman to retreat to his base after his throw, find the base with his foot, spin, and catch the throw -- which very well might have been released before he was even looking toward second base. It might be the only routine act in baseball in which a player throws the ball at somebody who isn't yet looking at him. I love this little moment of blind faith.

10. 5-3, third baseman touches the bag

This has the benefit of producing some gorgeous hucks, as the third baseman gets a running start into his throw, and the throw then perfectly bisects the infield diamond. For aesthetics it would rank higher, but half of 5-3 double plays come with nobody out, which means that a triple play is possible. When that ball is hit right toward the bag, you start to dream big. The moment that the third baseman throws to first, instead of second, is your dream gutted.

11. The fly ball, runner doubled off before he can get back

This ranks fairly low because most of them are boring: The runner either reads the ball wrong or forgets how many outs there are, and a fairly routine catch becomes a slow-motion double play. You can tell this is a boring defensive play because after the second out is made the TV broadcast will cut to the doubled-up runner's abashed face, rather than a fielder. It's just a botch that the defense is fortunate enough to be present for.

But the ceiling of this double play might be higher than any other. There is something Planet Earth-like about seeing a race between a 100 mph throw and a 20 mph runner, and the tension is made all the greater by the fact that (unlike when the runner is trying to advance) it's a forceout -- no tag ambiguities, just a straight-up race, with your brilliant human brain calculating the odds as two parties on radically different scales converge. Oh, boy, can it be fun to watch:

12. The sac bunt double plays: 1-5-3, 2-6-3, 3-5-4, etc.

Really satisfying. More than any other double play, this one requires two really strong throws -- no short throws and frequently no time to spare. Any x-5-x version is especially amped, with the third baseman almost firing off his bag to catch and make the throw to first.

13. 6-4-3

This is the Tinker-to-Evers-to-Chance double play, so I might be out of the mainstream here, but I don't like the pivot at second base. Even the fastest ones slow everything down. Looks like a kink in a hose to me. Great double play, though.

14. Lineout/double play

You know, there's no real reason for lottery tickets to have multiple numbers. They could just say 'pick a number between one and whatever billion and we'll tell you whether that's the number,' but instead they've got the six numbers or the three scratch-off fields or the second-chance games, because it's no fun to know immediately whether you win or lose. You want drama, a little narrative of buildups before the result is all the way known. The lineout double play is a one-punch fight: Within, oh, a half-second of the bat crack, the play is basically over. Sometimes there's a race back to the bag, which can be enjoyable, especially if it's a race between the first baseman with the ball and the scrambling runner. But more often, the play looks like this:

Look at everybody else on the field. That's how little drama there is in this. They didn't even bother to write secondary characters into the story.

Also, these tend to be profoundly unjust.

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15. 3-6-1

Too scary! Pitchers are rarely asked to do anything too athletic, but this is a play that is so athletically daunting it could almost be its own niche sport: Tune into the world championships of Covering First, where athletes sprint at full speed for 57 feet, then come to a complete stop in the last three feet, stabbing their feet at a hard rubber base while spinning 135 degrees to catch a throw fired 85 or 90 mph through a congested baseline, all while a faster runner running on a non-parallel line tries to step on roughly the same spot on the hard rubber base. If you designed baseball and said, 'Oh, but the problem is that pitchers all get hurt,' everybody would guess that they were getting hurt not by throwing but because of 3-6-1's.

16. 6-3 (or 4-3), with the middle infielder tagging the base himself and throwing to first

So far, we've alluded to close to a dozen factors that can make a double play especially loveable: The athleticism on display, the strength of the throw, the challenge of the catch, the delicacy of the tag, the particular stakes, the turnaround it represents, the tension of the timing, the closeness, the angles/fluidity/aesthetic beauty, the potential for reaction (on either side), or that some skill is used for this double play that is basically only used for this play. But this double play has none of that, except in particularly athletic examples. Otherwise, it's a routine ground ball and a routine throw, with no drama on either out and limited interaction between teammates.

17. 1-6-3

The ball is fielded so quickly the entire play comes down to 'can a pitcher throw a ball to second base?' and about 80 percent of the time the ball ends up in center field.

Thanks to Daren Willman and Meg Rowley for assistance.

Modern aircraft designs like the Boeing 777 rely on sophisticated flight computers to aid and protect the aircraft in flight. These are governed by computational laws which assign flight control modes during flight

Flight control mode or flight control law both refer to the computer software that transforms the movement of the yoke or joystick, made by an aircraft pilot, into movements of the aircraft control surfaces. The control surface movements depend on which of several modes the flight computer is in. In aircraft in which the flight control system is fly-by-wire, the movements the pilot makes to the yoke or joystick in the cockpit, to control the flight, are converted to electronic signals, which are transmitted to the flight control computers that determine how to move each control surface to provide the aircraft movement the pilot ordered.[1][2][3][4]

A reduction of electronic flight control can be caused by the failure of a computational device, such as the flight control computer or an information providing device, such as the ADIRU.[5]

Electronic flight control systems (EFCS) also provide augmentation in normal flight, such as increased protection of the aircraft from overstress or providing a more comfortable flight for passengers by recognizing and correcting for turbulence and providing yaw damping.[citation needed]

Two aircraft manufacturers produce commercial passenger aircraft with primary flight computers that can perform under different flight control modes (or laws). The most well-known are the normal, alternate, direct laws and mechanical alternate control of the AirbusA320-A380.[3]

Boeing's fly-by-wire system is used in the Boeing 777, Boeing 787 Dreamliner and Boeing 747-8.[4][6]

These newer aircraft use electronic control systems to increase safety and performance while saving aircraft weight. These electronic systems are lighter than the old mechanical systems and can also protect the aircraft from overstress situations, allowing designers to reduce over-engineered components, which further reduces the aircraft's weight.[citation needed]

Flight control laws (Airbus)[edit]

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A330-200 in flight

Airbus aircraft designs after the A300/A310 are almost completely controlled by fly-by-wire equipment. These newer aircraft, including the A320, A330, A340, A350 and A380 operate under Airbus flight control laws.[7] The flight controls on the Airbus A330, for example, are all electronically controlled and hydraulically activated. Some surfaces, such as the rudder, can also be mechanically controlled. In normal flight, the computers act to prevent excessive forces in pitch and roll.[7]

Airbus A321 Cockpit
Illustration of the Air-data reference system on Airbus A330

The aircraft is controlled by three primary control computers (captain's, first officer's, and standby) and two secondary control computers (captain's and first officer's). In addition there are two flight control data computers (FCDC) that read information from the sensors, such as air data (airspeed, altitude). This is fed along with GPS data, into three redundant processing units known as air data inertial reference units (ADIRUs) that act both as an air data reference and inertial reference. ADIRUs are part of the air data inertial reference system, which, on the Airbus is linked to eight air data modules: three are linked to pitot tubes and five are linked to static sources. Information from the ADIRU is fed into one of several flight control computers (primary and secondary flight control). The computers also receive information from the control surfaces of the aircraft and from the pilot's aircraft control devices and autopilot. Information from these computers is sent both to the pilot's primary flight display and also to the control surfaces.[citation needed]

There are four named flight control laws, however alternate law consists of two modes, alternate law 1 and alternate law 2. Each of these modes have different sub modes: ground mode, flight mode and flare, plus a back-up mechanical control.[7]

Normal law[edit]

Normal law differs depending on the stage of flight. These include:[citation needed]

  • Stationary at the gate
  • Taxiing from the gate to a runway or from a runway back to the gate
  • Beginning the take-off roll
  • Initial climb
  • Cruise climb and cruise flight at altitude
  • Final descent, flare and landing.

Wineskin mac diablo 2. During the transition from take-off to cruise there is a 5-second transition, from descent to flare there is a two-second transition, and from flare to ground there is another 2 second transition in normal law.[7]

Ground mode[edit]

The aircraft behaves as in direct mode: the autotrim feature is turned off and there is a direct response of the elevators to the sidestick inputs. The horizontal stabilizer is set to 4° up but manual settings (e.g. for center of gravity) override this setting. After the wheels leave the ground, a 5-second transition occurs where normal law – flight mode takes over from ground mode.[7]

Flight mode[edit]


The flight mode of normal law provides five types of protection: pitch attitude, load factor limitations, high speed, high-AOA and bank angle. Flight mode is operational from take-off, until shortly before the aircraft lands, around 100 feet above ground level. It can be lost prematurely as a result of pilot commands or system failures. Loss of normal law as a result of a system failure results in alternate law 1 or 2.[8]

Unlike conventional controls, in normal law vertical side stick movement corresponds to a load factor proportional to stick deflection independent of aircraft speed. When the stick is neutral and the load factor is 1g, the aircraft remains in level flight without the pilot changing the elevator trim. Horizontal side stick movement commands a roll rate, and the aircraft maintains a proper pitch angle once a turn has been established, up to 33° bank. The system prevents further trim up when the angle of attack is excessive, the load factor exceeds 1.3g, or when the bank angle exceeds 33°.[citation needed]

Alpha protection (α-Prot) prevents stalling and guards against the effects of windshear. The protection engages when the angle of attack is between α-Prot and α-Max and limits the angle of attack commanded by the pilot's sidestick or, if autopilot is engaged, it disengages the autopilot.[citation needed]

High speed protection will automatically recover from an overspeed. There are two speed limitations for high altitude aircraft, VMO (maximum operational velocity) and MMO (maximum operational Mach) the two speeds are the same at approximately 31,000 feet, below which overspeed is determined by VMO and above which by MMO.[citation needed]

Flare mode[edit]

A380 in take off

This mode is automatically engaged when the radar altimeter indicates 100 feet above ground. At 50 feet the aircraft trims the nose slightly down. During the flare, normal law provides high-AOA protection and bank angle protection. The load factor is permitted to be from 2.5g to −1g, or 2.0g to 0g when slats are extended. Pitch attitude is limited from −15° to +30°, and upper limit is further reduced to +25° as the aircraft slows.[7]

Alternate law[edit]

There are four reconfiguration modes for the Airbus fly-by-wire aircraft: alternate law 1, alternate law 2, direct law and mechanical law. The ground mode and flare modes for alternate law are identical to those modes for normal law.

Alternate law 1 (ALT1) mode combines a normal law lateral mode with the load factor, bank angle protections retained. High angle of attack protection may be lost and low energy (level flight stall) protection is lost. High speed and high angle of attack protections enter alternative law mode.[8]

ALT1 may be entered if there are faults in the horizontal stabilizer, an elevator, yaw-damper actuation, slat or flap sensor, or a single air data reference fault.[7]

Alternate law 2 (ALT2) loses normal law lateral mode (replaced by roll direct mode and yaw alternate mode) along with pitch attitude protection, bank angle protection and low energy protection. Load factor protection is retained. High angle of attack and high speed protections are retained unless the reason for alternate law 2 mode is the failure of two air-data references or if the two remaining air data references disagree.[8]

ALT2 mode is entered when 2 engines flame out (on dual engine aircraft), faults in two inertial or air-data references, with the autopilot being lost, except with an ADR disagreement. This mode may also be entered with an all spoilers fault, certain ailerons fault, or pedal transducers fault.[7]

Direct law[edit]

Direct law (DIR) introduces a direct stick-to-control surfaces relationship:[7] control surface motion is directly related to the sidestick and rudder pedal motion.[3] The trimmable horizontal stabilizer can only be controlled by the manual trim wheel. All protections are lost, and the maximum deflection of the elevators is limited for each configuration as a function of the current aircraft centre of gravity. This aims to create a compromise between adequate pitch control with a forward C.G. and not-too-sensitive control with an aft C.G.[9]

DIR is entered if there is failure of three inertial reference units or the primary flight computers, faults in two elevators, or flame-out in two engines (on a two-engine aircraft) when the captain's primary flight computer is also inoperable.[7]

Mechanical control[edit]

In the mechanical control back-up mode, pitch is controlled by the mechanical trim system and lateral direction is controlled by the rudder pedals operating the rudder mechanically.[3]

Boeing 777 Primary Flight Control System[edit]

The cockpit of the 777 is similar to 747-400, a fly-by-wire control simulating mechanical control

The fly-by-wire electronic flight control system of the Boeing 777 differs from the Airbus EFCS. The design principle is to provide a system that responds similarly to a mechanically controlled system.[10] Because the system is controlled electronically the flight control system can provide flight envelope protection.

The electronic system is subdivided between 2 levels, the 4 actuator control electronics (ACE) and the 3 primary flight computers (PFC). The ACEs control actuators (from those on pilot controls to control surface controls and the PFC). The role of the PFC is to calculate the control laws and provide feedback forces, pilot information and warnings.[10]

Standard protections and augmentations[edit]

The flight control system on the 777 is designed to restrict control authority beyond certain range by increasing the back pressure once the desired limit is reached. This is done via electronically controlled backdrive actuators (controlled by ACE). The protections and augmentations are: bank angle protection, turn compensation, stall protection, over-speed protection, pitch control, stability augmentation and thrust asymmetry compensation. The design philosophy is: 'to inform the pilot that the command being given would put the aircraft outside of its normal operating envelope, but the ability to do so is not precluded.'[10]

Normal mode[edit]

In normal mode the PFCs transmit actuator commands to the ACEs, which convert them into analog servo commands. Full functionality is provided, including all enhanced performance, envelope protection and ride quality features.[citation needed]

Secondary mode[edit]

Boeing secondary mode is comparable to the Airbus alternate law, with the PFCs supplying commands to the ACEs. However, EFCS functionality is reduced, including loss of flight envelope protection. Like the Airbus system, this state is entered when a number of failures occur in the EFCS or interfacing systems (e.g. ADIRU or SAARU).[4]


  1. ^'Flight Control Laws - SKYbrary Aviation Safety'. Retrieved 2019-07-03.
  2. ^'Flight control part 3'. Bjorn's corner.
  3. ^ abcd'Crossing the Skies » Fly-by-wire and Airbus Laws'. Archived from the original on 8 March 2009.
  4. ^ abc'The Boeing 777'(powerpoint). by Saurabh Chheda.
  5. ^'Skybrary: Flight Control Laws'.
  6. ^'Avionics Magazine :: Boeing 787: Integration's Next Step'.
  7. ^ abcdefghij'Airbus 330 – Systems – Flight Controls'. SmartCockpit – Airline training guides, Aviation, Operations, Safety. Archived from the original on June 12, 2009. Retrieved July 12, 2009.
  8. ^ abc'Airbus Flight Control Laws'.
  9. ^Airbus A320 AFM (requires page number, publisher, etc)
  10. ^ abcGregg F. Bartley – Boeing (May 4, 2008). '11 Boeing B-777: Fly-By-Wire Flight Controls'(PDF). Retrieved October 8, 2016.
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